Opening hours of the Cathedral of Burgos

Tourist opening hours

» From March 19 to October 31 :
– Open from 9.30 h to 19.30 h.
– Closure of access at 18.30 h.

» From November 1 to March 18:
– Open from 10.00h to 19.00 h.
– Closure of access at 18.00 h.

» Special schedules:
– 7-13 August: from 9.30 h to 18.15 h.
– 14 August: from 9.30 h to 16.00 h and from 16.30 h to 18.00 h.

» Tuesday afternoons from 16.30 h to 18.30 h (in winter from 16.30 h to 18.00 h): free entry.

Mass schedule

Sundays and public holidays

9.00 h Mass
10.00 h Mass
11.00 h Mass
12.00 h Sung capitulary mass
13.00 h Mass
14.00 h Mass
19.30 h Mass

Working days

9.00 h Mass
10.00 h Sung capitulary mass
11.00 h Mass
19.30 h Mass

Saturdays and eve of holidays

19.30h Mass in the chapel of Santa Tecla